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APAC Regional Group Webinar, 12th August

12th August, 11 am BST

APAC Regional Group Webinar - risk, resilience and recovery

*Register here*

Panellists include

Gareth Byatt, IRM Global Ambassador (GA) APAC, Independent Risk Consultant (Chair of the webinar)
Saman Bandara, IRM GA Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, Partner EY - Forensic examiner, Consulting
Abhishek Paul, IRM GA APAC, Senior Risk Management Leader - Financial Services Sector
Jason Qian, IRM GA China, CRO and Board Secretary at Lloyd's Insurance Company (China) Limited
Hersh Shah, Chief Executive Officer, IRM UK - India Affiliate, Chair of IRM India




11.00 UK / 15.30 New Delhi / 18.00 Shanghai / 20.00 Sydney

Welcome Gareth Byatt, IRM Global Ambassador APAC

11.05 UK / 15.35 New Delhi / 18.05 Shanghai / 20.05 Sydney

Business continuity and purposeful resilience – what themes are we seeing in the countries / industries represented by the panellists?

11.15 UK / 15.45 New Delhi / 18.15 Shanghai / 20.15 Sydney

Managing fast-changing risks – what are we seeing with regard to how organisations are responding to the new risks they face?

11.25 UK / 15.55 New Delhi / 18.25 Shanghai / 20.25 Sydney

Remote working challenges – what are we seeing in terms of threats, opportunities and BCM / resilience with regard to remote working? 

11.35 UK / 16.05 New Delhi / 18.35 Shanghai / 20.35 Sydney

The IT and Cyber situation – what are we seeing in our countries with regard to cyber risk, and general IT challenges? 

11.45 UK / 16.15 New Delhi / 18.45 Shanghai / 20.45 Sydney

Wrap-up and Q&A

12.00 UK / 16.30 New Delhi / 19.00 Shanghai / 21.00 Sydney


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