Non-Executive Director and Chief Risk Officer SIG

Purpose of the group

The purpose of the ‘NEDs & CROs’ Group is to provide a forum for Non-Executive Directors and Chief Risk Officers to come together to discuss how effective risk management takes place from the top down. The objective of this Group is to provide a 'vertical specialism' promoting best practices and discussing board governance and risk related matters.

Relevance to the risk community

Global Corporate governance codes have stressed that effective risk management requires the appropriate people and resources to be in place. Ultimately, the responsibility for risk management rests with the board comprising of Non-Executive Directors, whilst that board needs to have confidence that they are delegating day-to-day responsibility to a suitably skilled and competent person, such as a Chief Risk Officer. Together, these senior professionals are responsible for overseeing new risks and opportunities which may include digital disruption, geo-political and economic volatility, environment and sustainability responsibilities and social change.

Aims and Objectives

Key priorities for discussion:

• Risks relating to Governance. e.g. not moving fast enough with Board composition changes

• Finessing relationships. CROs with Chairs of Board Risk Committees

• Board Macro subjects to include Environmental Social and Governance (ESG)

• Topical Board risk related issues. How are boards facing (global) issues affecting their organisations e.g currently it is Coronavirus

• Being a contemporary CRO/NED. Critical for remaining up to date on new/emerging topics

• Emerging Risks. Horizon scanning and emerging technologies



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Group Co-Chair: Aileen Wallace 

Group Co-Chair: Socrates Coudounaris 

Committee members:

Michael Bartholomeusz 

Alex Hindson

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Past events 

NED & CROs, creating strong partnerships


Wednesday 10th June 2020


10:00 - 11:30


Launch event for NED & CRO SIG


Monday 27th April 2020


12:00 - 14:00
